Just 6 days left until PyGotham 2014.

At least week's NY Python meetup, there was a little discussion about PyGotham and I learned more about the conference. Importantly, I found out that there are scholarships available for those who wish to attend but cannot afford it. Just visit this link and fill out the form.

Second, and very exciting for me, there's a talk at 1:15 pm on Saturday called "Helping Python Play Chess." This will discuss Pystockfish, which ties in the very strong Stockfish chess engine with Python. As a chessplayer, I can't wait to learn more about this!

I'm also looking forward to getting to know more folks in the Python community. The people I've met at the NY Python meetups have been very generous in sharing their knowledge and enthusiasm about Python.

Nobody should feel intimidated about joining in. In fact, lots of the talks scheduled for PyGotham are at the "novice" level, including the Pystockfish discussion. I plan to be at many of them.


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